This is a security and maintenance update for Sophos Connect for Windows that addresses issues seen by some users after 2.3 GA release

  • This is a compatibility release that disables requirements for stricter certificate signing algorithm on the firewall. This change will be reverted in an update within the coming year. Please re-generate firewall CA certificates to use a stronger signing algorithm. as soon as possible. 
  • Sophos UTM customers should be running the 9.719 or later to support this client version

Issues Resolved

  • NCL-1852 Resolved issue where the client fails to connect to firewalls using weak signature algorithms
  • NCL-1847 Resolved issue where installation fails on computers with older VC runtime installed
  • NCL-1842 Client unable to connect to UTM9 systems due to mismatching cipher support - This issue is resolved in UTM9 v9.719

Download Links

  • Public download site - may take time after this article publishes to be available
  • Or from your firewall WebAdmin UI under Remote Access > Download Client

Related Links

  • Is my understanding correct, that if we have no problems with the original v2.3, then we are already using a CA certificate with strong signing and we don't need to regenerate our CA certificate for future compatibility?

    Also, if we have no issues with the original v2.3 then there is no need to update to MR1?

  • Is my understanding correct, that if we have no problems with the original v2.3, then we are already using a CA certificate with strong signing and we don't need to regenerate our CA certificate for future compatibility?

    Also, if we have no issues with the original v2.3 then there is no need to update to MR1?

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