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Device is managed but not visisble in Console

Hi All!,

A customer enrolled a Android device and assigned some profiles to it. Unfortunately the profile contained policies that could not co-exist. For example a policy was created to disable system changes, but also to install Sophos Mobile Security. During enrollment he was asked to approve the install of Sophos Mobile Security, but was not able to succesfully finish it as the policy preventing system changes was already set.

From that point he was not able to unroll the device anymore and as a last resort he deleted the device from the Devices node within the portal.

Now we have a challenge as the device is still enrolled, but not vissible in the console. We are not able to disable the device administrator to uninstall the Sophos mobile control app. The app cannot be uninstalled as the play store was disabled.

On the other side the device is still synchronising SMC and status is displayed as succesfull (on the device).

Is there anyone can give me a hint on what to do next? Except throwing the device in the recycle bin?

Thank you in advance


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  • Hi Mark,

    the only thing you could try would be the option "Unenroll" within the SMC app.
    Alternatively, an factory reset might help as long as it was not forbidden by the SMC server.

    In case nothing of that helps, you could try to contact the device manufacturer if they have additional options.

    Best regards

  • Hi Stefan,

    Thank you for your reply. The "unenroll" option was also made hidden with a policy.

    We returned the device to Samsung and they were also not able to reflash the device with original firmware. So we can consider the device as lost.

    At least we know that SMC protects the device in any way! :)

    Best regards,


  • Hi Stefan,

    Thank you for your reply. The "unenroll" option was also made hidden with a policy.

    We returned the device to Samsung and they were also not able to reflash the device with original firmware. So we can consider the device as lost.

    At least we know that SMC protects the device in any way! :)

    Best regards,


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