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is it possible to limit email accounts?

Is it possible to limit the email accounts on an iphone?  Some of my users have been adding their personal email accounts and I would like to stop that.  I would also like to know if you can remove an existing email account on an iphone using SMC?




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  • if you disable the "Allow account modification" restriction on an iphone it blocks the users from adding or removing email accounts on the device, the device will need to be supervised for this to work and this does also block the icloud account and app store account  from being modified, as long as these been setup previously they will still work


    with this in place you can add and remove email accounts via the smc console so you have full control.

  • if you disable the "Allow account modification" restriction on an iphone it blocks the users from adding or removing email accounts on the device, the device will need to be supervised for this to work and this does also block the icloud account and app store account  from being modified, as long as these been setup previously they will still work


    with this in place you can add and remove email accounts via the smc console so you have full control.

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