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Apple DEP default profile assignment "profile status empty"

i have Apple DEP default profile setup to assign a profile as soon as the device  is synchronized from the Apple DEP portal. (Default DEP profile assigned to new devices)

on some of our customer containers when devices are synchronized, under the profile heading the default profile is listed, however under the Profile status heading, it listed as "empty" while the object is in this state when the device attempts to activate the profile isn't downloaded and there for the device setup is the default apple setup and not our custom config.

if i check the device, click actions and assign the profile,  the profile status changes to assigned and the DEP activation works as expected.


does anyone have an experience of this and if so how did you fix it?

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  • Hi Andrew,

    which version of the SMC server are you using?
    Have you installed the latest SMC 6.1.12 patch for the server?
    This patch contains a lot of bug fixes around DEP, therefore installation is recommended.

    If you already have installed the patch, please raise a support request so we could analyze your issue.

    Best regards

  • Hi Andrew,

    which version of the SMC server are you using?
    Have you installed the latest SMC 6.1.12 patch for the server?
    This patch contains a lot of bug fixes around DEP, therefore installation is recommended.

    If you already have installed the patch, please raise a support request so we could analyze your issue.

    Best regards
