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Problem updating IOS apps

Hi, has anyone else had problems updating IOS apps to the latest version?

I have several apps bought under a Volume license which i have successfully deployed to all my iPads

I now need o upgrade several, including SMC itself, to the latest version on the App store without requiring end-user intervention

I have removed restrictions imposed on the App store nad pushed out the application again

on some devices this works successfully but on others the task shows as completing but the iPad stil lhas the old version.

In some cases i have even deleted the original app remotely, then redeployed only to find it has re-installed the latest version, nott the new version it should have picked up from the link to on the App Store

This is driving me crazy as I have 70+ iPads to update and at the moment the only solution i can see is to have them all returned to head office and reconfigured completely

please let me know if there is something else i could or should be doing...


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  • We had an issue like this, turns out our Web Filtering / Caching device (Bluecoat) was keeping a cached version of the IPA file.

    Wierdest thing it was only doing it for some models, turns out the App Store now has different copies of the installer for different models (to reduce size). We just set our device not to cache any requests and we have not had an issue since.


  • We had an issue like this, turns out our Web Filtering / Caching device (Bluecoat) was keeping a cached version of the IPA file.

    Wierdest thing it was only doing it for some models, turns out the App Store now has different copies of the installer for different models (to reduce size). We just set our device not to cache any requests and we have not had an issue since.


  • Hi All,

    thank you Bohdan for sharing your findings... very interesting.
    To complete this I just wanted to mention, that Sophos generally only has one app version published to the Apple Store.
    We do not publish different versions.

    Best regards

  • Sorry,

    'version' was the worng word. Apple use App Thining where they create a copy of the IPA with only the assests needed for that device,

    i.e. one IPA has images for a 6 Plus, and another has the images for the iPad. This means there are 2 IPA's, both the same application version, but containing different assests specific to the device, so instead of a 100mb install it might be 60mb since the it only has iPad or iPhone specific assests.
