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Traffic from Google DNS Servers

Hello Guys


Im hoping you can help me with an observation that I have noticed:


We have our Sophos mobile control server within our DMZ. I was tidying up the ACLs on the Router/Firewall on Monday and got rid of some rules that I considered not needed.


On Wednesday, I went to add an Android phone to the SMC. When I went to apply our Profile to the phone, I kept getting the error:


 Could not connect to Google Cloud Messaging. Error -65


I thought that this was a bit strange so I went and looked at the firewall logs and I could see that traffic from and with source port 53 was getting dropped by the deny ip any any rule.

I then put in a rule to allow traffic from these IP addresses and I could now add the profile to the android phone via SMC.


My question is, why is the traffic coming from these source IPs using port 53 (DNS)? Im fairly positive that this is not mentioned in the SMC Prerequisite Documentation.





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