Sophos Email customers using IP-based mailflow rule connectors must migrate to certificate-based configuration by March 31st. To see if you're affected Click Here.

Sophos Email Mailflow EAP - Say goodbye to MX redirections

We’re pleased to announce, all Sophos Email customers using Office 365 can now integrate directly with Office 365 for inbound and outbound email protection without the need to redirect their MX records. Join the Sophos Email Mailflow Early Access Program (EAP) from Sophos Central to get started.

Faster setup, faster processing

Sophos Email Mailflow integrates directly with Office 365 and uses Microsoft Exchange Connector Services to analyze emails for phishing and advanced threats faster than ever.

With Mailflow, you can keep your mailbox protected without having to change your MX Records. Mail Exchange (MX) records are the Domain Name Server (DNS) records that have been required to reroute email through a secure email gateway, such as Sophos Email. By removing the need for MX record changes Sophos have massively shortened the activation time for protection against email threats like phishing.

Three great reasons to activate Sophos Email Mailflow

  • Faster setup experience: Say goodbye to setting MX records and the need to spend more time on setup in the Office 365 admin console. With Mailflow, setup is completed in minutes from the Sophos Central management console. That simple process is the same whether customers protect a new domain or update existing domains from the Gateway setup to the new Mailflow process, and all policy settings are retained.
  • Faster processing of email: Sophos Email Mailflow integrates directly with the flow of messages from their sender to the Office 365 recipient, avoiding the need to reroute email through the Sophos Email gateway. This means faster processing time on all emails, while still providing the same advanced protection from phishing and other threats.
  • Greater flexibility: Mailflow enables customers to protect only a subset of mailboxes from the domain if required. To do so customers simply create a new group in Office 365 and add those mailboxes that will benefit from Sophos protection. Then once Office 365 users and groups are synchronized in Sophos Central this group is also imported.


Getting started

New and existing customers should activate the Sophos Email Mailflow EAP by signing into Sophos Central.

Once registered for the EAP, follow the simple steps available in the Mailflow setup guide to benefit from this new capability available to Sophos Email customers using Office 365.

Access Sophos Email Mailflow setup guide here

This EAP is available to Sophos Email Advanced customers using Office 365, including those purchasing in AWS Marketplace. The activation of Mailflow does not alter any licensing and is included with the customer’s existing license agreement.

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