Skype does not work with Sandboxed Chrome

My Skype version is the latest at

My PC is a desktop using Windows 10 version 1903 and Chrome is my

default browser version 76.0.3809.132 64 bit.

Both these versions are recent updates in the past few days. Before that

all was perfect.

Now, with a Sandboxed Chrome I cannot logon to Skype and therefore cannot

bring Skype up on my email via the Skype icon.

With an unsandboxed Chrome, there is no problem - it all works perfect.

Please advise how to cure this problem.

Thank you.

Edit - late note 31/08

No problems existed with Windows 1809.

URGENT !! Cannot sign in to Microsoft !!

SKYPE and my email OUTLOOK.COM are Microsoft !!

  • A million thanks Barb for your perseverance, dedication and help.

    Look forward to the successful updates.

    I would just mention that Opera 62 is way out of date, my Opera version is 63 +.


  • I would just add that a sandboxed Chrome and Opera go into a "no response" mode,

    which needs the browser to be crashed to escape. Firefox just freezes and only needs the

    Microsoft tab to be deleted - no browser crash out.


  • Microsoft Edge is a new browser. Sophos have stated that it is not compatible with Sandboxie.

    It is not compatible because it is new and as Sophos have decided to effectively dump Sandboxie,

    it is simply not worth their software technical time to include Microsoft Edge.


  • You can not use sandboxie to execute another program that creates sandboxes.

    Dude, you cant use chrome in sandboxie because chrome CREATES SANDBOXES.

    Sophos did not even address this main problem, causing lack of security for all userbase. It is not because it WORKS when you execute chrome there that it is protected.

    First of all, Chrome IS THE MALWARE.

    "Google Chrome scanning files in your Documents directory (2018). They say they scan for Windows malware and viruses. It is only a mater of time until this “technology” comes to Linux."

    Sandbox do not protect from any browser malware INSIDE chrome too to steal your browser passwords, first of all, if that is the case that i dont know but is good to remember.

    REMEMBER to install browsers inside sandboxies to avoid this problem. One malware inside one sandbox cant see the browser installed in another.

    If you search firejail documentation, even in linux they have problems with chrome sandboxes, and their jails are much more sofisticated.

    Sandboxie will NOT PROTECT YOU IF YOU USE CHROME ANYWAY, understand? There will be hundreds of problems if you try. Specially security ones.

    If you are wise enough to use sandboxie, stay with firefox.

  • Very interesting, but completely misleading.

    Google Chrome works impeccably with Sandboxie in all respects and has done since its birth, irrelevant as to whether it has a security sandbox or not.

    With ONE recent exception, that reared its ugly head when Microsoft introduced Windows 10 version 1903.

    The ONLY exception to a happy marriage between Chrome and Sandboxie with version 1903 is that for some bizarre reason Sophos has decided to appoint Microsoft - the Godfather of Windows as malware and thus NO Microsoft account or program is allowed within Sandboxie.

     Any attempt to access a Microsoft program will seize up the screen and require crashing the browser to escape.

    This singular exception to an otherwise infinite and flawless web access is a fundamental software error or a mistaken oversight and nothing whatsoever to do with multiple sandboxes.

    I would point out before we get side-tracked by the irrelevant, that Sandboxie worked impeccably with Chrome/Microsoft on Windows 10 version 1809 previous to the 1903 update.


  • Hi Yabb

    Are you saying its not possible to INSTALL Microsoft programs in a sandbox? I run all my Office 365 programs sandboxed without any problems, although they are installed outside of the sandbox.

  • I thought my dialogue was adequate, but here it is again - we are not talking of a sandbox, we are talking of SANDBOXIE.

    With Windows 10 version 1903 and browser Chrome opened by Sandboxie -

    1. No Microsoft account or program can be accessed. No ID/password data is present or can be entered and the screen freezes until crashed.

    2. You obviously cannot install a Microsoft program since you cannot access any Microsoft program needing input ID data.

    If your Office programs work hunky-dory then you are NOT using Windows 10 version 1903 and NOT using Sandboxie.

    Firefox and Opera suffer the same as Chrome and Microsoft Edge is a completely untouchable.


  • I would emphasise that this problem has not been disputed by any of the Sophos staff.

    It is a fact which arose with the introduction of Windows 10 version 1903.

    All previous Windows versions worked perfectly.


  • You did not pay attention to something i wrote:

    " It is not because it WORKS when you execute chrome there that it is protected."

    I wont enter details because it would need to write a lot.

    But you will find why reading firejail documentation.

    You do not need a "crash warning", a "process closing"  or something like that to have the protection being broken, understand?

    Hope i helped.

    Sandboxie makes DLL INJECTION in programs.

    Do you really expect that something INSIDE a sandbox can create sandboxes too and work flawlessly?

    Malware contained or exploits in chrome sandbox may have full acess to your files and folders for example.

    It will at least have unexpected behaviour, memory leaks, etc.

    Use firefox.

  • Thank you for your comments - I wish you a very nice day.