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PureMessage updating but SAV on the same computer isn't

Hi all,

We have PureMessage installed on Exchange servers with SAV.  The SAV product was updated from SEC and PureMessage was updated from the internet.

Since our SEC license expired the SAV has not updated but PureMessage, this is still licensed.

Will uninstalling SAV and re-running the PureMessage setup to reinstall a standalone version of SAV work to then enable SAV to update from the internet or is there something else that needs doing? I am a little reluctant to do this if it's going to stop PureMessage updating or cause any other problems.

I have changed the SAV primary update source from the SEC computer to Sophos with our credentials but this doesn't work as I assume the version of SAV is tied to the SEC somehow.



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  • Hello Justin,

    if SESC is installed your server is configured as Primary and Sophos as Secondary. In case the Primary update location is no longer accessible AutoUpdate would try to update SAV from the Secondary and I'd expect that this succeeds - except for the RMS component (as it can't be updated from Sophos).
    Without a management server you have no use of the RMS component (and it will enqueue the messages it can't send). So you will at least uninstall this component (can't say if AutoUpdate would then attempt to install it again - if so this post should help). 

    Do you have different credentials for the (previous) Secondary Sophos update location? If not, then the error is likely because of RMS and SAV proper is updating. If yes then the "SEC" credentials naturally won't work and you have to use the "PureMessage" ones (BTW - how did you change the Primary as the GUI doesn't permit this on a managed endpoint?) but as said you have to uninstall RMS.


  • Hello Justin,

    if SESC is installed your server is configured as Primary and Sophos as Secondary. In case the Primary update location is no longer accessible AutoUpdate would try to update SAV from the Secondary and I'd expect that this succeeds - except for the RMS component (as it can't be updated from Sophos).
    Without a management server you have no use of the RMS component (and it will enqueue the messages it can't send). So you will at least uninstall this component (can't say if AutoUpdate would then attempt to install it again - if so this post should help). 

    Do you have different credentials for the (previous) Secondary Sophos update location? If not, then the error is likely because of RMS and SAV proper is updating. If yes then the "SEC" credentials naturally won't work and you have to use the "PureMessage" ones (BTW - how did you change the Primary as the GUI doesn't permit this on a managed endpoint?) but as said you have to uninstall RMS.


  • Hi Christian,

    All sorted now - I uninstalled the SAV components, RMS, AutoUpdate etc but left PureMessage installed then re-ran the PureMessage setup which after inputting the credentials for updating installed and all is good again with udpates for both anti spam and AV working.  I would have expected the AV to update fromt he Secondary too but it didn't, no errors just no updated IDE files etc.

    And I changed the Primary settings by editing the AllowLocalConfig part of iconn.cfg file (obviously ignoring the Please do not edit this text file part!)

