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OpenSSH version upgrade

Did Sophos already release a fix for these CVEs?


CVE-2015-5600, CVE-2015-6563, CVE-2015-6564

CVE-2016-10009, CVE-2016-10010, CVE-2016-10011, CVE-2016-10012, CVE-2016-8858.


These are considered vulnerability and what was advised to us is to perform patching or upgrade for OpenSSH. However, only Sophos can do that.


Feedbacks are highly appreciated.


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  • Hi Max and welcome to the UTM Community!

    2015 and 2016 vulnerabilities? I think you can assume that they were.  Even if the version of OpenSSH in use in the UTM is older, the developers prefer to patch existing code in use instead of testing new versions and hardening them.

    That said, if you see evidence that one of those CVEs seems not to have been patched, please share that here.

    Cheers - Bob

    Sophos UTM Community Moderator
    Sophos Certified Architect - UTM
    Sophos Certified Engineer - XG
    Gold Solution Partner since 2005
    MediaSoft, Inc. USA
  • As far as i can tell, most of the time, some of those scans only check the used version and do a cut and assume, all of those "open" CVE are still affected.

    Instead, a valid test would be to try to use those attacks and see, if UTM is still affected. 


  • As far as i can tell, most of the time, some of those scans only check the used version and do a cut and assume, all of those "open" CVE are still affected.

    Instead, a valid test would be to try to use those attacks and see, if UTM is still affected. 


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