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Active Directory DNS together with UTM DNS

I have 2 locations, each having their own Windows Active Directory network. Each of the domain controllers is also the DNS server for those networks. Each network points to my Sophos SG UTM firewall as its gateway.

So what I would consider the "main" network for each location uses Microsoft DNS server. Now, at each location I have about a dozen VLANs. Each VLAN network uses the Sophos UTM as its gateway but ALSO as its DNS server.

So for the main network all of the DNS records live on the MS DNS servers. But for the other networks, their DNS records all live on the Sophos UTM.

How can I get each of these DNS servers to resolve to each other? For example if a PC on the main network needs to communicate with a PC in VLAN 30 (for example), I'd have to manually add an A record on the MS DNS server. Of course that's not ideal and over time will create a huge mess.

I like having the VLANs use the firewall for its DNS (and DHCP) because then it's easy to make rules and manage the objects.

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  • If you use the same domain name on independent DNS servers, you are out of luck.

    If the DNS servers support independent domains, then you simply create a forwarder rule on server A to use server B for the domains that server B controls.

    This applies to both forward lookups and reverse lookups.

    Standard DNS stuff, nothing unique to UTM.