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IPv6 Setup with two Routers (one fixed prefix, one dynamic)


I have a question about my planned setup, please advise if this is reasonable.

I have two Routers, one is fixed IPv4 (my Mailserver), the other is dyn. IPv4 (clients Internet). I don't have native IPv6.

Network rules: server always use fixed-IP-Router, Clients always use dyn-IP-Router

I have a Tunnel with Tunnelbroker from HE with /64 fixed Prefix.


Now I want both server and clients to use IPv6 as well. Ideally, the server uses IPv6 from the Tunnelbroker Prefix and the clients all use dyn. IPv6 over 6to4 Protocol. I don't want my clients to have a fixed Prefix as well (for privacy reasons).

I could set up my Tunnel in my Router or in the UTM. What would be the preferred solution? If I set up Tunnel in UTM will my clients receive addresses from the "tunnel prefix" as well (which I don't want, I think).

On my second router (with dyn. IPv4) I would just activate "6to4" or is there a way to set this up in UTM as well (when Tunnelbroker is already active) ?


How would I have to set up my UTM Interfaces (to both routers as well as internal) regarding addresses and gateways on IPv6?


Thank you for your advice

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  • TIL: Since my router does NAT for my UTM (public IP is on the router, then router and UTM connect with internal IP addresses) it is not possible for my UTM to manage the tunnel. Therefor it has to be set up on my router.

    Should I then get a /48 on my router an have the UTM distribute /64s? Or can I set the UTM's network port to my router just as [Prefix::1] from the routers /64 and have the fd80 (from the router) as gateway?

  • TIL: Since my router does NAT for my UTM (public IP is on the router, then router and UTM connect with internal IP addresses) it is not possible for my UTM to manage the tunnel. Therefor it has to be set up on my router.

    Should I then get a /48 on my router an have the UTM distribute /64s? Or can I set the UTM's network port to my router just as [Prefix::1] from the routers /64 and have the fd80 (from the router) as gateway?

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