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Slow Support

I am having issues with support.

  1. Only one reply per day (if you are very lucky, usually to ask for more logs)
  2. Have to constantly call for updates
  3. Always getting asked for more logs
  4. Logs are always more than 30 mb, so can never use the Sophos Portal/SDU, and need to use ftp, you need to request these.(another day waiting)
  5. Response time is unbearable, service is very bad.
  6. Been told that the call centre is under staffed and new people are coming.
  7. People in the non UK call centre , have no idea about Sophos. (just hit acknowledge errors and that will fix it)
  8. Seems like support are using the  "more logs" as stalling tactic.
  9. shutting down your case, if no response for 3 days (yes we have other projects we are working on) have to re-open the case. sometimes with a new number.

what is your experience, surly it cant be just me, I have 2 cases open at the moment, feeling frustrated with Sophos at the moment, what are your thoughts?



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