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Importing Exclusions into a policy

Is it possible to import exclusions into a policy. Now it's a big typing and copy past session to update several policies with new exclusions when necessary.

Thanks, Ernst


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  • Hello Ernst,

    I assume you are talking about On-Access scanning exclusions. Save for database hacking there isn't. As exclusions should be used with consideration and generally avoided an update should seldom be necessary. Furthermore having a number of AV policies with different sets of exclusions would be a pain to maintain anyway. May I ask why you need them (assuming I understood you correctly) and how often you have to update them?


  • Hi Christian,

    You're assumption is correct.

    We are setting Sophos up over 7 business units, all with different management and different systems. For now I still have 3 on-access policies (times 2, because we've got 2 SEC's). In the future it will become more. Updating will become frequent when deploying the software.

    I understand it isn't possible yet. Maybe some tooling would help?

    Thanks, Ernst

  • Hello Ernst,

    IMO (I dropped the H years ago) it might be worth reassessing the exclusions. In general A-V scanning (not Sophos in particular) should not need site-specific customization - of course there are exceptions. If you could give some examples maybe we'd get a better picture of what you need. I assume you are worried about performance, aren't you? If it's false positives - there are better ways to deal with them.

  • I can offer something up.  In SEC 5 (could be as soon as the start of December I've heard) you can export and inport exclusions for on-access to and from a text file.

    I wrote a quick VBScript file (attached in the next post) to export exclusions from the database, e.g. SOPHOS4, SOPHOS45, SOPHOS47 and SOPHOS50, to a text file, one per policy if that would be of any use?  Just change the two variables at the top to be your [server]\[instancename] and the database name.  It will create a text file per policy with exclusions in the same directory as the script.



  • strServerName       = ".\SEC5"   '<----Enter DB server name and instance here
    strDatabaseName     = "Sophos50" '<----Enter DB name here  (e.g. SOPHOS45, SOPHOS47,...)
    strConnectionString = "Driver={SQL Server};Server="&strServerName&";Database="&strDatabaseName&";Trusted_Connection=yes;"
    strSQL = "SELECT, p.policyxml.query('" &_
         "declare namespace SAV=""""; " &_
         "(/SAV:config/SAV:onAccessScan/SAV:exclusions/SAV:filePathSet/SAV:filePath) " &_
         " ') as Exclusion " &_
         "FROM policies as p with (nolock) where p.type = 2" 
    	 wscript.echo strSQL
    set cn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") strConnectionString
    Set rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
    rs.Open strSQL, cn
    ' Write file to disk
    set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    ' Loop for each record
    Do Until rs.EOF
    	strEx = rs("Exclusion") 
       if strEx <> "" then
         CreateFile rs("Name"), strEx
       end if
    set cn  = nothing
    set rs  = nothing
    set fso = nothing
    Function  CreateFile (strName, strXML)
      on error resume next
      set file = fso.OpenTextFile(strName & "-Exclusions.txt", 2, True)
      arr1 = split (strXML, "<SAV:filePath xmlns:SAV="""">")
      for a = 0 to ubound (arr1)
        if arr1(a) <> "" then
          file.writeline replace(arr1(a), "</SAV:filePath>", "")
        end if
      set file = nothing
    End function