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Importing Exclusions into a policy

Is it possible to import exclusions into a policy. Now it's a big typing and copy past session to update several policies with new exclusions when necessary.

Thanks, Ernst


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  • I can offer something up.  In SEC 5 (could be as soon as the start of December I've heard) you can export and inport exclusions for on-access to and from a text file.

    I wrote a quick VBScript file (attached in the next post) to export exclusions from the database, e.g. SOPHOS4, SOPHOS45, SOPHOS47 and SOPHOS50, to a text file, one per policy if that would be of any use?  Just change the two variables at the top to be your [server]\[instancename] and the database name.  It will create a text file per policy with exclusions in the same directory as the script.



  • I can offer something up.  In SEC 5 (could be as soon as the start of December I've heard) you can export and inport exclusions for on-access to and from a text file.

    I wrote a quick VBScript file (attached in the next post) to export exclusions from the database, e.g. SOPHOS4, SOPHOS45, SOPHOS47 and SOPHOS50, to a text file, one per policy if that would be of any use?  Just change the two variables at the top to be your [server]\[instancename] and the database name.  It will create a text file per policy with exclusions in the same directory as the script.



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