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Sophos Email Appliance Messages Throttling

Hi, is there a way to Throttle emails on email appliance?

for example I'am sending a bulk messages for advertising with approximately 20k email messages.

Can I set a policy/setting that queues the mail messages and send it by batch? or lets say 500 messages per hour?




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  • Hi Tech,


    There is no setting per-se to throttle message per hour..  Sending bulk mail through the appliance is not really recommended..  However if you really wish to do so, you could configure a send connector to throttle the connections for that specific IP/user. 

    something like this should help


    again tho, I do not recommend it  (you can apply to some bulk email whitelists) as a bulk mailer.. but in general if you're an unknown sender and people complain you have a very good chance of getting yourself listed..