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Microsoft and Custom Templates

Is there any update on getting back Microsoft templates and Custom templates?

There is an article from Phish Threat V1 that explained how to upload custom templates: . Is there any updates on if this is coming to V2?

There was a post from around a year ago asking where the Microsoft templates went. The response given was: "We are working with Microsoft to re-enable these templates, but in the meantime, we're working on creating some generic versions of these templates." It has been over a year since this was brought up. Is there any updates on this? I can't be the only one disappointed that these templates disappeared.

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  • Thanks for the info. I found the answer to my question here. I want to say that using Microsoft templates makes my life as a web developer much easier, and if I still manage to master web design and develop fonts like on then I will generally consider myself an information technology guru. The main thing is not to stop and develop in all directions.

  • Thanks for the info. I found the answer to my question here. I want to say that using Microsoft templates makes my life as a web developer much easier, and if I still manage to master web design and develop fonts like on then I will generally consider myself an information technology guru. The main thing is not to stop and develop in all directions.

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