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Results from SDDMServers DB Table



I would like to know the meaning of the following fields if one queries all the fields from SDDMServers Table in Sophos Enterprise Console Database and what their values represent



Actually I wanted to know which of the above field will indicate a successful/unsuccessful update of SUM.

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  • Hi,

    I wouldn't worry about Migration columns, they are ancient and left over from when EMLibrary was updated to SUM.

    In the SDDMServers table you might be better off considering: LastBinaryUpdate and LastDataUpdate for each of the SUMs you have.  Maybe use DATEDIFF SQL function and use your expected schedule to determine if there is something amiss.  To do anything more with the data in this table you would have to pass the StatusXML blob.

    The only other table of interest to you might be the Packages table.  In here records with a RolloutNumber of 99999999 are reported in to the System from SUM status messages.



  • Hi,

    I wouldn't worry about Migration columns, they are ancient and left over from when EMLibrary was updated to SUM.

    In the SDDMServers table you might be better off considering: LastBinaryUpdate and LastDataUpdate for each of the SUMs you have.  Maybe use DATEDIFF SQL function and use your expected schedule to determine if there is something amiss.  To do anything more with the data in this table you would have to pass the StatusXML blob.

    The only other table of interest to you might be the Packages table.  In here records with a RolloutNumber of 99999999 are reported in to the System from SUM status messages.


