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Enterprise Console Migration

Hi all,

I've finally decided to bite the bullet and migrate Enterprise Console from an ancient Windows 2003 (32-bit) server to a slightly more up-to-date Windows 2008 R2 (64-bit) server, but am encountering a problem in this process.  The console is version 5.2.1 R2, and I'm following the migration guide linked to from ( link leads to this document ).  The problem I'm encountering happens at point 4 of section 8 (on page 14) when attempting to restore the database to the new server.  The errors returned are in the attached text file, and contain an alarming amount of red text :smileyindifferent:

I notice it mentions the previous databases from 5.2.1 and before, which I'm not too concerned about as I just haven't removed them yet after the version upgrade, but it's not looking too promising for 5.2.1 R2 either.  Does anyone have any idea what I could be missing here?  I suspect it's something really simple which I've missed.

Many thanks for any help!


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  • Hi,

    Many thanks for your reply jak, and apologies to all for not updating this thread earlier.  The issue of migrating SEC did get pushed aside for a while and has only now come back to haunt me.

    Your suggestion of manually importing the databases did allow me to proceed, so thanks again for the advice.  However, it's not all quite plain sailing yet :smileysad:  If anyone has any advice for the following situation it would be much appreciated!

    Basically I'm now at the stage where everything has (allegedly) migrated over successfully, but when starting Enterprise Console on the new server for the first time the following error is displayed:

    Sophos.UIController.Extension.UIControllerException: Cannot retrieve session token after 8 retries. Please check that the Sophos Management Host service is running, otherwise see KBA 118513.
       at Sophos.UIController.IdentityServiceAbstracter.EndRetrieveSessionToken()
       at Sophos.UIController.UIControl.InitializeModulesDependencies()
       at Sophos.UIController.UIControl.<Initialize>b__b()
       at Sophos.UIController.Product.Logging.LogMethod(MemberInfo method, Action func)
       at Sophos.UIController.UIControl.Initialize()
    ----- [outer exception] -----
       -- error: 0x80004005 (Unspecified error)
       -- facility: Generic (System)
       -- source:   Sophos.UIController
       at class ATL::CComBSTR __thiscall UIControl::initialize(class ATL::CComPtr<struct IDispatch>)
       at class ATL::CComPtr<struct IDispatch> __thiscall bl::CReusingManagementServiceClientBroker::logIn(const struct util::UserName &,class Loki::SmartPtr<class bl::SubEstate,class Loki::RefCountedMTAdj<class Loki::ClassLevelLockable>::RefCountedMT,struct Loki::DisallowConversion,struct util::NoDereferenceNull,class Loki::DefaultSPStorage>,const wchar_t *,class bl::UIControllerBase &)
       at int __cdecl Run(int,class bl::CommandLine,enum bl::ConsoleType::Type)
       at int __stdcall wWinMain(struct HINSTANCE__ *,struct HINSTANCE__ *,wchar_t *,int)

    I've gone through all the steps listed in the knowledgebase article and have verified that the services are all running, and using the database account specified during installation.  The SophosSecurity database is present and online, and the database account is in the "Sophos DB Admins" group (I even tried testing the service with the domain admin account, just to verify permissions, and this also failed).  Networking on the server is all fine, and I've run out of things to try now.

    I'm assuming other people have managed to migrate SEC to a new server without these problems, and I've either missed something or am being incredibly stupid with the entire process?  If anyone has any ideas what I am missing or doing wrong, they'd be much appreciated!

    Thanks in advance.

    (Edited to fix typos)

  • Hi,

    Many thanks for your reply jak, and apologies to all for not updating this thread earlier.  The issue of migrating SEC did get pushed aside for a while and has only now come back to haunt me.

    Your suggestion of manually importing the databases did allow me to proceed, so thanks again for the advice.  However, it's not all quite plain sailing yet :smileysad:  If anyone has any advice for the following situation it would be much appreciated!

    Basically I'm now at the stage where everything has (allegedly) migrated over successfully, but when starting Enterprise Console on the new server for the first time the following error is displayed:

    Sophos.UIController.Extension.UIControllerException: Cannot retrieve session token after 8 retries. Please check that the Sophos Management Host service is running, otherwise see KBA 118513.
       at Sophos.UIController.IdentityServiceAbstracter.EndRetrieveSessionToken()
       at Sophos.UIController.UIControl.InitializeModulesDependencies()
       at Sophos.UIController.UIControl.<Initialize>b__b()
       at Sophos.UIController.Product.Logging.LogMethod(MemberInfo method, Action func)
       at Sophos.UIController.UIControl.Initialize()
    ----- [outer exception] -----
       -- error: 0x80004005 (Unspecified error)
       -- facility: Generic (System)
       -- source:   Sophos.UIController
       at class ATL::CComBSTR __thiscall UIControl::initialize(class ATL::CComPtr<struct IDispatch>)
       at class ATL::CComPtr<struct IDispatch> __thiscall bl::CReusingManagementServiceClientBroker::logIn(const struct util::UserName &,class Loki::SmartPtr<class bl::SubEstate,class Loki::RefCountedMTAdj<class Loki::ClassLevelLockable>::RefCountedMT,struct Loki::DisallowConversion,struct util::NoDereferenceNull,class Loki::DefaultSPStorage>,const wchar_t *,class bl::UIControllerBase &)
       at int __cdecl Run(int,class bl::CommandLine,enum bl::ConsoleType::Type)
       at int __stdcall wWinMain(struct HINSTANCE__ *,struct HINSTANCE__ *,wchar_t *,int)

    I've gone through all the steps listed in the knowledgebase article and have verified that the services are all running, and using the database account specified during installation.  The SophosSecurity database is present and online, and the database account is in the "Sophos DB Admins" group (I even tried testing the service with the domain admin account, just to verify permissions, and this also failed).  Networking on the server is all fine, and I've run out of things to try now.

    I'm assuming other people have managed to migrate SEC to a new server without these problems, and I've either missed something or am being incredibly stupid with the entire process?  If anyone has any ideas what I am missing or doing wrong, they'd be much appreciated!

    Thanks in advance.

    (Edited to fix typos)

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