Hello ChickGeekHCCC,
first of all, a message relay and updating from a WebCID are not interdependent.
Anyway, updating over HTTPS has been discussed on this forum since its inception. Short answer: not possible.
security (authentication) reasons
Longer answer: The Updating policy only permits static accounts, both for the WebCID and the optional proxy. Thus you have to use a common account which should have very limited rights (read access to the CID). With the on-premise SEC you can't authenticate individual users or endpoints.
Hi Michelle
we have simler problem in the laptops dissaper of our network for days at a time. our fix was to give them there own OU in AD and create a policy for them on sophos concole to rome to the closist SUM or to update from sohpos directly. this seams to work fine the only problems we get are when we change a policy they dont get the updates till there back on our network.