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Invalid Exclusion Error When Adding Folder Exclusion to On-Access Scanning?

On the Sophos Enterprise Console, when editing an "Anti-virus and HIPS" policy, I am unable to add in some folders to the active scanning exclusions list.


The steps I am taking are as follows:


Right click policy > configure on-access scanning > windows exclusions > add

I then type in "C:\Program Files (x86)\Citrix"

I get the following error:  "Invalid exclusion entered:  C:\Program Files (x86)\Citrix"


Weirdly I can do C:\Program Files\Citrix but not the x86 folder.

Can anybody help explain why this is?  Assuming it's something simple and stupid but I'm not too well acquainted with the console.




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  • Hello Ben,

    the error message in the console isn't really helpful.
    Quite simple: For a folder exclusion you have to include a trailing (back)slash. (please note: The Help isn't up to date w.r.t. wildcards and their use).

    Weirdly I can do C:\Program Files\Citrix
    I don't think so. That is, you can do but will get the same error [:)]. Seriously, the console requires the slash for a Folder exclusion, though it'd accept the above specification as File or Process exclusion.
    I vaguely remember that once either the local GUI or the console automatically appended the slash.


  • Hello Ben,

    the error message in the console isn't really helpful.
    Quite simple: For a folder exclusion you have to include a trailing (back)slash. (please note: The Help isn't up to date w.r.t. wildcards and their use).

    Weirdly I can do C:\Program Files\Citrix
    I don't think so. That is, you can do but will get the same error [:)]. Seriously, the console requires the slash for a Folder exclusion, though it'd accept the above specification as File or Process exclusion.
    I vaguely remember that once either the local GUI or the console automatically appended the slash.


  • Yeah that's the solution.  I just didn't notice I'd included a trailing back slash on the other one I'd entered.  Would have been nice if the console error had just made it clear that it needed the back slash.  Oh well.

