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How do I configure AV



What i am looking for is an AV manager a computer network that has no Internet Connection.

What I need is to be able to update the AV with updates.

I have just downloaded the free trial of Sophos Enterprise Console but unsure on how it works.

How do I upload new AV definitions?



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  • Hello simon lloyd,

    for a start please see this Install and Configure article. Depending on the size of the isolated network and role of the computers installing a management server (i.e. two in total, one inside and one in "the Internet") might be the best approach. Of course feel free to ask if something isn't clear.


  • Hello simon lloyd,

    for a start please see this Install and Configure article. Depending on the size of the isolated network and role of the computers installing a management server (i.e. two in total, one inside and one in "the Internet") might be the best approach. Of course feel free to ask if something isn't clear.


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