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Endpoints Failing to Install New Update


After receiving the new update (10.3.7 3.51) I have 100+ endpoints that are failing to uninstall the new software.  During the install process the old versions of the software are uninstalled, then when the install is starting they error out.  I'm receiving either an "Installation of Sophos AutoUpdate Failed [0x00000008]" error or an "A runtime error occurred. [0x00000062]" error.

From my testing, when this error occurs it's because the AutoUpdate folder that's created in either of the following locations has messed up permissions.  Basically, it won't allow anyone or anything to access it or delete it.  Those locations are:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Sophos\AutoUpdate  -or-  C:\ProgramData\Sophos\AutoUpdate\Cache\sophos_autoupdate1.dir

If I restart the PC with this problem and boot into Safe Mode, log in then out, the bad file is automatically deleted, restart into normal Windows and try the install again.  At that point everything installs correctly and there are no problems.  

I don't want to have to restart 100+ computers into safe mode if I don't have to, we need a better solution and soon because these computers with this problem are unprotected right now.  Thanks for anyone's help!


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  • Hello,

    It's worth noting, in order for AutoUpdate to maintain RMS post installing in this way (running the MSI directly), iupd.cfg (C:\Program Files\Sophos\AutoUpdate\Config\iupd.cfg) needs the correct action 0x400107. E.g:

    ;RMS 2000/XP
    AllowLocalConfig = 1
    Action = 0x400107

    Also, the MSI of RMS expects to find, cac.pem and mrinit.conf under:

    C:\Program Files\Sophos\Remote Management System\

    otherwise the install of RMS will fail with error 1722.



  • Hello,

    It's worth noting, in order for AutoUpdate to maintain RMS post installing in this way (running the MSI directly), iupd.cfg (C:\Program Files\Sophos\AutoUpdate\Config\iupd.cfg) needs the correct action 0x400107. E.g:

    ;RMS 2000/XP
    AllowLocalConfig = 1
    Action = 0x400107

    Also, the MSI of RMS expects to find, cac.pem and mrinit.conf under:

    C:\Program Files\Sophos\Remote Management System\

    otherwise the install of RMS will fail with error 1722.



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