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Endpoint failing to update


I have a problem with Endpoint not updating and I need assistance troubleshooting the issue. I have found the following in the log, highlighted below. Proxy IP removed by me. I have no other working servers in the environment to test with.

Is this saying that the username/pwd I have for updates is no longer working?

I assume that the update is getting out through my proxy, using IE I can get to the site okay.

race(2017-Mar-17 11:54:59): warehousePath: "C:\ProgramData\Sophos\AutoUpdate\data\warehouse"
Trace(2017-Mar-17 11:54:59): decodePath: "C:\ProgramData\Sophos\AutoUpdate\cache\sophos_autoupdate1.dir\decode"
Trace(2017-Mar-17 11:54:59): certPath: "C:\ProgramData\Sophos\AutoUpdate\cache\sophos_autoupdate1.dir"
Trace(2017-Mar-17 11:54:59): server = sophos
Trace(2017-Mar-17 11:54:59): Adding Sophos Update Location:
Trace(2017-Mar-17 11:54:59): Adding Sophos Update Location:
Trace(2017-Mar-17 11:54:59): Proxy location: xx.xx.xx.xx:xxxx
Trace(2017-Mar-17 11:54:59): SULDownloader setup successful.
Trace(2017-Mar-17 11:54:59): SubscriptionProvider: StandaloneWindows/RECOMMENDED/10
Trace(2017-Mar-17 11:55:02): Failed to authenticate
Trace(2017-Mar-17 11:55:02): Failed: SDDS2 CheckResubscription failed
Trace(2017-Mar-17 11:55:02): TrySyncProduct<class SDDS2::SULUpdateLocation>, Ended - 0
Trace(2017-Mar-17 11:55:02): ALUpdate():
Trace(2017-Mar-17 11:55:02): ALUpdate(DownloadEnded):
Trace(2017-Mar-17 11:55:02): UpdateCoordinator::UpdateNow: About to Action list of products
Trace(2017-Mar-17 11:55:02): Cannot parse PMSR version string: Assuming PMSR download, running setup
Trace(2017-Mar-17 11:55:04): RMSMessageHandler: ALUpdateEnd
Trace(2017-Mar-17 11:55:04): Sending message: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?><Config type="RMSEndUpdate"><ErrorMessage><ID></ID><StringID>113</StringID><Sender>ALUpdate</Sender></ErrorMessage><ReadableMessage>ERROR: Could not find a source for updated packages</ReadableMessage></Config>
Trace(2017-Mar-17 11:55:04): IPCSender::Write: Writing message: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?><Config type="RMSEndUpdate"><ErrorMessage><ID></ID><StringID>113</StringID><Sender>ALUpdate</Sender></ErrorMessage><ReadableMessage>ERROR: Could not find a source for updated packages</ReadableMessage></Config>
Trace(2017-Mar-17 11:55:04): IPCSender::ProcessSend: Listener not ready starting to wait
Trace(2017-Mar-17 11:55:05): IPCSender::ProcessSend exiting

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Parents Reply Children
  • Hello Andrew Simpson1,

    if you don't have the license schedule (which would include the dates) but he credentials (username and password) you could go to your MySophos account. Maybe  you can add these credentials to Endpoint - if it works it should tell you the status. You might also get the offer for a chat.

    If none of these works send an email to
