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No more manual update button/option ?

Hi All,

I've noticed after a recent endpoint client update running on Windows 10, there is now no context menu when right-clicking the system tray icon to manually start updates, and there is also now no update button anywhere in the GUI? Is this just an issue I am having or is this by design?

It is really frustrating when client now cannot initiate their own updates when necassary...

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  • If it's the Central Client there is button under the "About" page:

    The following VBS will always kick off an update on a Windows client:

    dim objALC : set objALC = CreateObject("ActiveLinkClient.ClientUpdate.1")
    objALC.UpdateNow 1,1



  • If it's the Central Client there is button under the "About" page:

    The following VBS will always kick off an update on a Windows client:

    dim objALC : set objALC = CreateObject("ActiveLinkClient.ClientUpdate.1")
    objALC.UpdateNow 1,1


