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Duplicate computers in enterprise console


I have noticed a strange behavior in enterprise console when searching for computers it sometimes creates a duplicate computer entry that already exists in the console when importing from AD.

Seems strange this is happening as I would think that the computer names should be unique since the console seems to use them to identify machines and duplicates should not be allowable.

is there a fix for this behaviour?


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  • Some of the entries do appear to have been ones that were deleted in the past

    Not going into details here - I'd remove the deleted computers from the database and try again to see whether it makes a difference. 

    sqlcmd -E -S .\SOPHOS -d SOPHOS45 -Q "DELETE FROM ComputersAndDeletedComputers WHERE deleted=1"

    (note: .\SOPHOS is the database instance).

    BTW: is this 4.5.0 or 4.5.1? 


  • Does this command also work for the enterprise console 5.2.2? I know the database name is different. I also have duplicated names in the console.
Reply Children
  • Hello ICTPhotonis,

    database name has changed, correct, design and logic are for all practical purposes the same. Did you read that manipulating the database directly is unsupported (though over the years I have not yet managed to kill mine this way).


  • What is the OS of the duplicated computers? I've seen an issue before where the Mac was sending in different workgroup/domain names throwing off the folding logic.

    Name, Domain/Workgroup name and the RMS MessageSystem address are the 3 values that make up the logic. For example, to prevent a new machine being created each time a status message or event comes in, the management service needs to try and map the message details with an existing computer record (computerid) in the database. Looking at the stored procedures, the RMS message system address is checked first as that should be unique to the computer. So it should be able to lookup the the computer id from the message system address, e.g. Router$computer1:5555. If no match it made, the domain name and computer name are taken in combination as in theory in a domain, all computers in the same domain should have a unique name. Lastly the name in isolation is used. In each case a computerid is trying to be looked up. If no results are found then a new computer record is created.