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Can Sophos block specific file or folder?

Hi, I have a question regarding blocking files:

I would like to block read/write access to specific file and/or file type on Endpoints. Can Sophos do this? Seems Data Control can only do part of this job.

Thanks in advance.


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  • We had real hopes that you would include the custom application control 2 years ago. This is one of our gripes for a long time since we've been using Sophos to prevent nuisance applications. The problem with us submitting the application is that it might be a nuisance for us but not for other users, and could potentially create problems with you blocking it suddenly.

    We've been using Sophos enterprise for at least 5 years now and we hope we don't have to drop it for another product because of a feature that can be found in almost any other enterprise AV software.

  • We had real hopes that you would include the custom application control 2 years ago. This is one of our gripes for a long time since we've been using Sophos to prevent nuisance applications. The problem with us submitting the application is that it might be a nuisance for us but not for other users, and could potentially create problems with you blocking it suddenly.

    We've been using Sophos enterprise for at least 5 years now and we hope we don't have to drop it for another product because of a feature that can be found in almost any other enterprise AV software.

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