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Unknown Error 0x80070057 decomposing ""

I am receiving this error on about 30-40 PCs. There is nothing between the "" on the error. I clear them and all systems seem to act normal. Please help with clearing this error.

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  • Hello Donald Lindhuber,

    0x80070057 normally means parameter error, it could have a number of causes though. I assume (it's just a guess) that a file that is to be scanned "disappears", this might be normal. How frequent are these errors (30-40 PCs out of how many endpoints - I've several thousand but less than one of these per month)? Could be a certain application (as a few ten endpoints show these errors I'd rule out disk or driver errors).  


  • Hello Donald Lindhuber,

    0x80070057 normally means parameter error, it could have a number of causes though. I assume (it's just a guess) that a file that is to be scanned "disappears", this might be normal. How frequent are these errors (30-40 PCs out of how many endpoints - I've several thousand but less than one of these per month)? Could be a certain application (as a few ten endpoints show these errors I'd rule out disk or driver errors).  

