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Mal/Generic-S on Enterprise Console

Hello all:

Got an alert on a desktop having the above malware on the enterprise console. Sophos is flagging a file in the user's local profile that no longer exists. It's a browser cache file. Can't do a cleanup, should I just acknowledge it?

Sophos client 10.3.13 with the latest definitions.

Thanks in advance for any feedback.


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  • Hello geegecko,

    if it's indeed gone for good then naturally all you can do with it is to acknowledge it.

    Mal/Generic-S is, as its name implies, a generic detection and the "response" varies. You didn't tell the action performed (at least Blocked if detection was by On-Access) and the Cleanup Status which could be - among others - Cleanable, Not Cleanable or Cleanup Failed. Mal/Generic-S could be triggered for some part of an otherwise undetected (i.e. as yet unknown) threat, it's a good idea to run a Full scan and keep an eye on the endpoint.

