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Error Message: Rootkit scan cancelled due to a corrupt disk

We are seeing the rootkit scan fail on multiple systems due to a "corrupt disk".  Specifically the error is:

Code: a01e0004

Description: Rootkit scan cancelled due to a corrupt disk

Have checked systems experiencing this error and there is no problem with the disk (scans are negative).  Any idea what corrupt disk this might refer to.  Also interesting is clicking on the link back to sophos knowledgebase comes up with nothing.  That is there is no entry for error code a01e0004.

We are running enterprise console 

System experiencing the error is running Windows Vista service pack 2.

Anyone have ideas on what might be causing this?

Thanks in advance.


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  • QC,

    Thanks for the info.  You don't by chance have any similiar info on the following:

    Code e03d0035 with description "The on-access drive failed to attach to \Device\ADVirtualDisk\Volume, because the I/O method is not supported

    Sophos knowledgebase describes the alert as something that can just be ignored.  Any ideas if this is also considered a none issue that might be resolved in the future?

  • QC,

    Thanks for the info.  You don't by chance have any similiar info on the following:

    Code e03d0035 with description "The on-access drive failed to attach to \Device\ADVirtualDisk\Volume, because the I/O method is not supported

    Sophos knowledgebase describes the alert as something that can just be ignored.  Any ideas if this is also considered a none issue that might be resolved in the future?

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