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Unmanaged SGE for a few standalone PCs


We would like to have full disk encryption on a few (less than five) Windows PCs.

No central management, no SQL database, no policies. Simple and straight forward


Is this possible using SGE?

How do we proceed??


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  • It looks like this old question was never addressed.  I have the exact same question.  I have two workstations where I want to encrypt USB drives to go out with Personal Health Information.  Do I have to do a complete SafeGuard Enterprise server configuration for this simple task?

  • It looks like this old question was never addressed.  I have the exact same question.  I have two workstations where I want to encrypt USB drives to go out with Personal Health Information.  Do I have to do a complete SafeGuard Enterprise server configuration for this simple task?

  • Hello Darin Prather,

    just my two cents, AFAIK there's no longer a product doing just Removable Media Encryption (free or licensed).
    With encryption supported by the hardware and integrated in the OSs vendors concentrate on added value - key management and recovery, synchronization, and last but not least auditing. Encrypting "just outgoing USB" (and that transparently and reliably) is IMO a niche as usually if you process sensitive data like PHI you are required to encrypt "in-house" as well - for this you'll likely need some product which would also cover the USB part.  
