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Some clients failing to update


Some clients are having trouble updating their endpoint (10.3) software 

The following errors were found in the alc.log

The manifest file product Sophos Patch Agent was invalid

Installing Product Sophos Patch Agent
The manifest file for product SAVXP was invalid

Installing Product SAVXP

The manifest file for product RMSNT was invalid

Installing Product RMSNT

Any help would be appreciated. 



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  • Hello ht888,

    not the alc.log (which is just a very brief summary), one of the ALUpdate<timestamp> logs - the most recent or one which contains the manifest error, to be exact :smileyhappy:


  • Hello ht888,

    not the alc.log (which is just a very brief summary), one of the ALUpdate<timestamp> logs - the most recent or one which contains the manifest error, to be exact :smileyhappy:


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