We are having issues with our Sophos Enterprise Console. Every other day this week the console displays the following error message 'Transient error while performing requested operation. The server has run out of memory'. error message.' The virtual machine has plenty of physical and kernel memory available.
Microsoft Windows 2008 R2 virtual machine
* 4 GB of virtual memory
* SEC version
Clicking on the advanced button I can view the error details:
[DBNETLIB][ConnectionWrite (send()).]General network error. Check your network documentation.----- [outer exception] ----- -- error: 0x829D0001 -- facility: Sophos Management Service Database Exception
at void __thiscall bl::Filter::GetComputerList(class bl::ComputerList &) const at void __thiscall CSystemSnapshot::TakeSnapshot(void) at void __thiscall CMainFrame::RefreshEverything(void) at __w64 long __thiscall CMainFrame::OnTriggerUpdate(unsigned int,__w64 unsigned int,__w64 long,int &) at int __cdecl Run(int,class bl::CommandLine,enum bl::ConsoleType::Type) at int __stdcall wWinMain(struct HINSTANCE__ *,struct HINSTANCE__ *,wchar_t *,int)
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