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SavService.exe 100% CPU usage


We incountered a problem of sophos server when I see the task Manager SavService.exe 100% CPU usage it caused to hang up the server. Please help our problem.



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  • Hi,

    Can you rule out a scheduled scan taking place during these times?  The SAV main interface (SAVMain.exe) will show any on-demand scans taking place in the bottom left (as long as you have rights to see them).

    Also I assume the scanning options (on-access) haven't been changed from the defaults or at least the defaults have been restored to see if it helps.  Scanning inside archive files on-access or scan all files for example.

    It is possible to turn on logging in the SAV driver to log what it's looking at.  To do so, add a DWORD value called LogFlags under the driver key:

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\SAVOnAccess \

    For Vista, Win 7, 2008 and 2008R2.

    For XP/2003 it is:

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\ SAVOnAccessControl\

    Setting it to 15 (decimal) will do.  For full logging you can set it to hex FFFFFFFF but that is more than we need and will just slow things down further.

    Once created, restart the SAVService, the standard logfile SAV.txt will then have the details.  The log will grow quite quick so remember to remove the DWORD value and restart the service.  The sav.txt log file is in the following locations depending on OS:

    C:\ProgramData\Sophos\Sophos Anti-Virus\logs \  (Vista+)

    C:\documents and settings\all users\application data\Sophos\Sophos Anti-Virus\logs \ (XP/2003)

    I've just knocked together a quck script (it is for Windows Vista, Win7, 2008 only based on the paths and registry keys, although you could change the paths: registry and logs directory to those mentioned above) to automate this and collate a results file with all files accessed more than once ordered by the number of entries in the log.  Maybe that would be worth a try.  VBScript is at the bottom of the post.  Save as something.vbs and run it.   Maybe you could upload the results file/contents here.

    The problem is, adding the key requires the restart of the service.  This will of course reset the cache of what has already been scanned so the service will be doing more again than normal at startup.  Having said that it may still be useful.  The other apprach would be to use ProcessMonitor ( ) to see what SAVService.exe is doing.  Maybe some exclusions could be added or problem files identified.



    const HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = &H80000002
    Const ForReading = 1
    Const ForWriting = 2
    strPathToLogs               = "C:\ProgramData\Sophos\Sophos Anti-Virus\logs\"
    strSAVFileName              = "SAV.txt"
    strSAVFileDebug             = "SAVDebug.txt" 
    strSAVOrig                  = "SAVOrig.txt"
    strResultFile               = "SAVResults.txt"
    strServiceName              = "SAVService"
    intTimeToStopServiceInSecs  = 10 
    intTimeToStartServiceInSecs = 10
    strKeyPath                  = "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\SAVOnaccess"
    strValueName                = "LogFlags"
    IntDebugValue               = 15
    intSAVServiceSettleTimeMins = 1
    intTestTimeMins             = 3
    strFilter                   = "on-access driver log information: check local file "
    blnCScriptEcho              = false
    intLimitResultToFilesAcc    = 1
    Wscript.echo "Once complete, this script will create a file called: " & strResultFile & " in the same directory.  Please wait for a completed message."
    'Create Objects
    Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\cimv2")
    'Stop Service
    Set colListOfServices = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_Service Where Name ='" & strServiceName & "'")
    For Each objService in colListOfServices
    	if blnCScriptEcho then
        	Wscript.echo "Stopping SAVService..."
    	end if
    'Wait for the service to stop
    wscript.sleep intTimeToStopServiceInSecs * 1000
    'Delete any pre-existing debug sav.txt from previous runs
    if objFSO.FileExists (strPathToLogs & "\" & strSAVFileDebug) then
    	if blnCScriptEcho then
    		wscript.echo "Deleting any pre-existing " & strSAVFileDebug & "."
        end if
    	objFSO.deleteFile strPathToLogs & "\" & strSAVFileDebug, True
    end if
    'Delete any pre-existing results files from previous runs
    if objFSO.FileExists (strResultFile) then
    	if blnCScriptEcho then
    		wscript.echo "Deleting any pre-existing " & strResultFile & "."
        end if
    	objFSO.deleteFile strResultFile, True
    end if
    'Delete any pre-existing orig files from previous runs
    if objFSO.FileExists (strPathToLogs & "\" & strSAVOrig) then
    	if blnCScriptEcho then
    		wscript.echo "Deleting any pre-existing " & strSAVOrig & "."
    	end if
        objFSO.deleteFile strPathToLogs & "\" & strSAVOrig, True
    end if
    'Backup Existing SAV.txt so we can restore it later
    if objFSO.FileExists (strSAVFileName) then
    	if blnCScriptEcho then
    		wscript.echo "Backing up existing " & strSAVFileName & " to restore later."
    	end if
    	objFSO.MoveFile strPathToLogs & "\" & strSAVFileName, strPathToLogs & "\" &strSAVOrig
    end if
    'Create LogFlags Key
    dim objReg : Set objReg = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\default:StdRegProv")
    if blnCScriptEcho then
    	wscript.echo "Creating registry key: " & strKeyPath & "\" & strValueName & " Value:" & IntDebugValue & "."
    end if
    objReg.SetDWORDValue HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strKeyPath, strValueName, IntDebugValue
    'Start Service
    For Each objService in colListOfServices
    	if blnCScriptEcho then
    		Wscript.echo "Starting SAVService..."
    	end if
    Wscript.sleep intTimeToStartServiceInSecs
    if blnCScriptEcho then
    	Wscript.echo "Waiting " & intSAVServiceSettleTimeMins & " minutes to settle."
    end if
    Wscript.sleep intSAVServiceSettleTimeMins * 60000
    Wscript.echo "Please use the computer as you would for the next " & intTestTimeMins & " minutes in order to reproduce the high CPU usage."
    Wscript.sleep intTestTimeMins * 60000
    if blnCScriptEcho then
    	Wscript.echo "Time is up."
    end if
    For Each objService in colListOfServices
    	if blnCScriptEcho then
    		Wscript.echo "Stopping SAVService..."
    	end if
    if blnCScriptEcho then
    	Wscript.echo "Analyzing results..."
    end if
    'Wait for the service to stop
    wscript.sleep intTimeToStopServiceInSecs * 1000
    'Create a Dictionary to hold the lines (key) und their frequencies
    Set objDictionaryLines = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    'Open the file for reading
    Set objFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strPathToLogs & "\" & strSAVFileName, ForReading, false, -1)
    'Loop until end of stream
    Do Until objFile.AtEndOfStream
    'Read each line
        strLineIn = lcase(objFile.ReadLine)
    	intL = instr(strLineIn, strFilter) 
        if intL > 0 then
          strFilteredLine = mid(strLineIn, (intL+len(strFilter)))
        end if
        'If line is not already in dictionary, add Item and set key value to 1. If line is already in dictionary, increment key value
        If Not objDictionaryLines.Exists(strFilteredLine) Then
            objDictionaryLines.Add strFilteredLine , 1
            objDictionaryLines( strFilteredLine ) = objDictionaryLines( strFilteredLine ) + 1
        End If
    Set objDictSorted = SortDictionary(objDictionaryLines)
    Set objFileOut = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strResultFile, ForWriting, True, -1)
    For Each i In objDictSorted
        if len(i)> 0 then 
    		if objDictSorted.Item(i) > intLimitResultToFilesAcc then
    			objFileOut.writeline "[" & objDictSorted.Item(i) & "] " & i
    		end if
        end if
    'delete logflags key
    objReg.DeleteValue HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strKeyPath, strValueName
    'move new sav.txt to savdebug.txt
    if objFSO.FileExists (strPathToLogs & "\" & strSAVFileName) then
        objFSO.MoveFile strPathToLogs & "\" & strSAVFileName , strPathToLogs & "\" & strSAVFileDebug
    end if
    'move original back to SAV.txt
    if objFSO.FileExists (strPathToLogs & "\" & strSAVOrig) then
        objFSO.MoveFile strPathToLogs & "\" & strSAVOrig, strPathToLogs & "\" & strSAVFileName
    end if 
    'Start Service
    For Each objService in colListOfServices
    Wscript.echo "Completed analysis.  The file " & strResultFile & " is in the same directory as the script."
    'Functions ----------------------------------------------
    Function SortDictionary(ByVal objDict)
     Dim i, j, temp
     For Each i In objDict
      For Each j In objDict
       If(objDict.Item(i) <= objDict.Item(j)) Then
        temp = objDict.Item(i)
        objDict.Item(i) = objDict.Item(j)
        objDict.Item(j) = temp
       End If
     Set SortDictionary = objDict
    End Function
  • Hi,

    Can you rule out a scheduled scan taking place during these times?  The SAV main interface (SAVMain.exe) will show any on-demand scans taking place in the bottom left (as long as you have rights to see them).

    Also I assume the scanning options (on-access) haven't been changed from the defaults or at least the defaults have been restored to see if it helps.  Scanning inside archive files on-access or scan all files for example.

    It is possible to turn on logging in the SAV driver to log what it's looking at.  To do so, add a DWORD value called LogFlags under the driver key:

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\SAVOnAccess \

    For Vista, Win 7, 2008 and 2008R2.

    For XP/2003 it is:

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\ SAVOnAccessControl\

    Setting it to 15 (decimal) will do.  For full logging you can set it to hex FFFFFFFF but that is more than we need and will just slow things down further.

    Once created, restart the SAVService, the standard logfile SAV.txt will then have the details.  The log will grow quite quick so remember to remove the DWORD value and restart the service.  The sav.txt log file is in the following locations depending on OS:

    C:\ProgramData\Sophos\Sophos Anti-Virus\logs \  (Vista+)

    C:\documents and settings\all users\application data\Sophos\Sophos Anti-Virus\logs \ (XP/2003)

    I've just knocked together a quck script (it is for Windows Vista, Win7, 2008 only based on the paths and registry keys, although you could change the paths: registry and logs directory to those mentioned above) to automate this and collate a results file with all files accessed more than once ordered by the number of entries in the log.  Maybe that would be worth a try.  VBScript is at the bottom of the post.  Save as something.vbs and run it.   Maybe you could upload the results file/contents here.

    The problem is, adding the key requires the restart of the service.  This will of course reset the cache of what has already been scanned so the service will be doing more again than normal at startup.  Having said that it may still be useful.  The other apprach would be to use ProcessMonitor ( ) to see what SAVService.exe is doing.  Maybe some exclusions could be added or problem files identified.



    const HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = &H80000002
    Const ForReading = 1
    Const ForWriting = 2
    strPathToLogs               = "C:\ProgramData\Sophos\Sophos Anti-Virus\logs\"
    strSAVFileName              = "SAV.txt"
    strSAVFileDebug             = "SAVDebug.txt" 
    strSAVOrig                  = "SAVOrig.txt"
    strResultFile               = "SAVResults.txt"
    strServiceName              = "SAVService"
    intTimeToStopServiceInSecs  = 10 
    intTimeToStartServiceInSecs = 10
    strKeyPath                  = "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\SAVOnaccess"
    strValueName                = "LogFlags"
    IntDebugValue               = 15
    intSAVServiceSettleTimeMins = 1
    intTestTimeMins             = 3
    strFilter                   = "on-access driver log information: check local file "
    blnCScriptEcho              = false
    intLimitResultToFilesAcc    = 1
    Wscript.echo "Once complete, this script will create a file called: " & strResultFile & " in the same directory.  Please wait for a completed message."
    'Create Objects
    Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\cimv2")
    'Stop Service
    Set colListOfServices = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_Service Where Name ='" & strServiceName & "'")
    For Each objService in colListOfServices
    	if blnCScriptEcho then
        	Wscript.echo "Stopping SAVService..."
    	end if
    'Wait for the service to stop
    wscript.sleep intTimeToStopServiceInSecs * 1000
    'Delete any pre-existing debug sav.txt from previous runs
    if objFSO.FileExists (strPathToLogs & "\" & strSAVFileDebug) then
    	if blnCScriptEcho then
    		wscript.echo "Deleting any pre-existing " & strSAVFileDebug & "."
        end if
    	objFSO.deleteFile strPathToLogs & "\" & strSAVFileDebug, True
    end if
    'Delete any pre-existing results files from previous runs
    if objFSO.FileExists (strResultFile) then
    	if blnCScriptEcho then
    		wscript.echo "Deleting any pre-existing " & strResultFile & "."
        end if
    	objFSO.deleteFile strResultFile, True
    end if
    'Delete any pre-existing orig files from previous runs
    if objFSO.FileExists (strPathToLogs & "\" & strSAVOrig) then
    	if blnCScriptEcho then
    		wscript.echo "Deleting any pre-existing " & strSAVOrig & "."
    	end if
        objFSO.deleteFile strPathToLogs & "\" & strSAVOrig, True
    end if
    'Backup Existing SAV.txt so we can restore it later
    if objFSO.FileExists (strSAVFileName) then
    	if blnCScriptEcho then
    		wscript.echo "Backing up existing " & strSAVFileName & " to restore later."
    	end if
    	objFSO.MoveFile strPathToLogs & "\" & strSAVFileName, strPathToLogs & "\" &strSAVOrig
    end if
    'Create LogFlags Key
    dim objReg : Set objReg = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\default:StdRegProv")
    if blnCScriptEcho then
    	wscript.echo "Creating registry key: " & strKeyPath & "\" & strValueName & " Value:" & IntDebugValue & "."
    end if
    objReg.SetDWORDValue HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strKeyPath, strValueName, IntDebugValue
    'Start Service
    For Each objService in colListOfServices
    	if blnCScriptEcho then
    		Wscript.echo "Starting SAVService..."
    	end if
    Wscript.sleep intTimeToStartServiceInSecs
    if blnCScriptEcho then
    	Wscript.echo "Waiting " & intSAVServiceSettleTimeMins & " minutes to settle."
    end if
    Wscript.sleep intSAVServiceSettleTimeMins * 60000
    Wscript.echo "Please use the computer as you would for the next " & intTestTimeMins & " minutes in order to reproduce the high CPU usage."
    Wscript.sleep intTestTimeMins * 60000
    if blnCScriptEcho then
    	Wscript.echo "Time is up."
    end if
    For Each objService in colListOfServices
    	if blnCScriptEcho then
    		Wscript.echo "Stopping SAVService..."
    	end if
    if blnCScriptEcho then
    	Wscript.echo "Analyzing results..."
    end if
    'Wait for the service to stop
    wscript.sleep intTimeToStopServiceInSecs * 1000
    'Create a Dictionary to hold the lines (key) und their frequencies
    Set objDictionaryLines = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    'Open the file for reading
    Set objFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strPathToLogs & "\" & strSAVFileName, ForReading, false, -1)
    'Loop until end of stream
    Do Until objFile.AtEndOfStream
    'Read each line
        strLineIn = lcase(objFile.ReadLine)
    	intL = instr(strLineIn, strFilter) 
        if intL > 0 then
          strFilteredLine = mid(strLineIn, (intL+len(strFilter)))
        end if
        'If line is not already in dictionary, add Item and set key value to 1. If line is already in dictionary, increment key value
        If Not objDictionaryLines.Exists(strFilteredLine) Then
            objDictionaryLines.Add strFilteredLine , 1
            objDictionaryLines( strFilteredLine ) = objDictionaryLines( strFilteredLine ) + 1
        End If
    Set objDictSorted = SortDictionary(objDictionaryLines)
    Set objFileOut = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strResultFile, ForWriting, True, -1)
    For Each i In objDictSorted
        if len(i)> 0 then 
    		if objDictSorted.Item(i) > intLimitResultToFilesAcc then
    			objFileOut.writeline "[" & objDictSorted.Item(i) & "] " & i
    		end if
        end if
    'delete logflags key
    objReg.DeleteValue HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strKeyPath, strValueName
    'move new sav.txt to savdebug.txt
    if objFSO.FileExists (strPathToLogs & "\" & strSAVFileName) then
        objFSO.MoveFile strPathToLogs & "\" & strSAVFileName , strPathToLogs & "\" & strSAVFileDebug
    end if
    'move original back to SAV.txt
    if objFSO.FileExists (strPathToLogs & "\" & strSAVOrig) then
        objFSO.MoveFile strPathToLogs & "\" & strSAVOrig, strPathToLogs & "\" & strSAVFileName
    end if 
    'Start Service
    For Each objService in colListOfServices
    Wscript.echo "Completed analysis.  The file " & strResultFile & " is in the same directory as the script."
    'Functions ----------------------------------------------
    Function SortDictionary(ByVal objDict)
     Dim i, j, temp
     For Each i In objDict
      For Each j In objDict
       If(objDict.Item(i) <= objDict.Item(j)) Then
        temp = objDict.Item(i)
        objDict.Item(i) = objDict.Item(j)
        objDict.Item(j) = temp
       End If
     Set SortDictionary = objDict
    End Function
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