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Device control failed to disable


Anyone encounter below issue?, refer from sophos knowledge base this error can simply be ignored.

Currently we encounter a lot of this error and customer already query if Device Control Policy is working? their are concern on security breach since user can simply transfer file and spread virus through USB.

Appreciate if someone can explain and provide solution for this error beside than simply acknowledge this error from console. Thanks

a0520004 Device control failed to disable device [device id]


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  • Hello Azwan,

    that you get this message indicates that Device Control is active and (in principle) working. If the device shows up as drive and can be read from and written to then Device Control is actually failing. If the user is permitted to configure Device Control he can set logging to verbose but I don't expect it will give any additional useful information.


  • Hello Azwan,

    that you get this message indicates that Device Control is active and (in principle) working. If the device shows up as drive and can be read from and written to then Device Control is actually failing. If the user is permitted to configure Device Control he can set logging to verbose but I don't expect it will give any additional useful information.


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