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The presentation cannot be opened. Outlook 2010 Beta

  I am using Outlook 2010 Beta, and every time I receive a PPT or PPS
attachment and try to open it, the following message apears:

The presentation cannot be opened. Your antivirus program may prevent you
from opening the presentation. To fix this problem, make sure your antivirus
program is current and working correctly. If the problem persists and the
presentation is from someone that you trust, turn off your antivirus program,
and then try to open the presentation again. If you do this, make sure you
turn on your antivirus program again after you open the presentation.

I have tried turning off my antivirus but the problem persists. It only
happens with powerpoint files.

Thanks in advance for your help.



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  • Hello Roopesh and welcome,

    I have tried turning off my antivirus but the problem persists. It only happens with powerpoint files.

    Unless I misunderstand you here (i.e. you wanted to say that you are unable to run off scanning) you yourself say that it is not a problem with SAV (you did not say which version you are using or any other details, BTW). So it's rather an OLK problem.

    A general remark: I consider this "helpful" message extremely dangerous because there is too much implied in trust. It has to be really from the person you think (something that's not easy to find out for the average Outlook user) and this person has to be very careful. But even then - a zero-day attack might have been missed by the sender's AV. So no - you should never ever follow this advice unless you really know what you're doing - but then you wouldn't need this friendly message.  


  • Hello Roopesh and welcome,

    I have tried turning off my antivirus but the problem persists. It only happens with powerpoint files.

    Unless I misunderstand you here (i.e. you wanted to say that you are unable to run off scanning) you yourself say that it is not a problem with SAV (you did not say which version you are using or any other details, BTW). So it's rather an OLK problem.

    A general remark: I consider this "helpful" message extremely dangerous because there is too much implied in trust. It has to be really from the person you think (something that's not easy to find out for the average Outlook user) and this person has to be very careful. But even then - a zero-day attack might have been missed by the sender's AV. So no - you should never ever follow this advice unless you really know what you're doing - but then you wouldn't need this friendly message.  


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