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Sophos Web Intelligence Service

I have my Anti-Virus and HIPS policy set to:

Block access to malicious websites: Off

Download scanning: As on access

I still see Sophos Web Intelligence Service installed on all of my computers.  What does it do?  Am I forced to deploy it, even if we don't use it?  Can I get rid of it?

My goal is to not bog down our network using cloud scanning, and to not bog down our PCs by running unneeded services on them.  I'm also not allowed to send data to Sophos by our company policy = no cloud scanning. 

-  Joe


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  • I contacted them.  There isn't any way to block it from running.  Even if I turn it off via the registry, Sophos turns it back on during policy enforcment.   The bandwidth usage of 600+ computers doing cloud scanning is something we don't want. or need.  Multi engine scanning on the firewall and more scanning on the proxy is enough.  Tossing cloud scanning on top of that is plain wasteful not to mention the performance degredation to both the PC's and the company wide internet.

  • I contacted them.  There isn't any way to block it from running.  Even if I turn it off via the registry, Sophos turns it back on during policy enforcment.   The bandwidth usage of 600+ computers doing cloud scanning is something we don't want. or need.  Multi engine scanning on the firewall and more scanning on the proxy is enough.  Tossing cloud scanning on top of that is plain wasteful not to mention the performance degredation to both the PC's and the company wide internet.

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