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Connect to SEC faster after reboot of virtual machine

 Hi all.

SEC = 5.5.1
Client OS = virtual Win10

Everything works great it just takes a long time for the virtual machine to report in to SEC and download the latest defenitions after "first boot".   

Is it any way possible to trigger the update of sophos on first boot faster?

Best Regards


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  • Hello tobbe_h,

    trigger the update of sophos on first boot faster
    I'm not sure I understand the problem correctly, especially the first boot and a long time parts. When do you perform the first boot, where and how do you observer the long time (how long is long)?

    Are you installing from a package or running setup.exe from the CID? If installing from te CID the latest definitions are already installed. Otherwise, depending on your environment, it might take a few minutes for RMS to register with the server and to receive the policies - provided the endpoint is already in a group other than Unassigned. Could you give the details of the install procedure for the VM?


  • Hi Qc.

    Im going to try and explain as good as i can.

    I have followed this guide to prepare sophos.

    So sophos is installed in the virtual image (or golden-image if you will), and when we reboot the virtual machine it will revert back to its orignal golden-image state.

    After the "revert" it takes about 5 minutes before it will download and install the latest defenitions, and it will take about 1hour before the virtual machine reports back to Sophos Enterprise Console.

    So the virtual machine is protected by outdated defintions (depending on how often we update our golden-image) for 5min, is it possible to force the agent to download from the server faster than 5min (maybe trigger the update angent)?

  • Hi Qc.

    Im going to try and explain as good as i can.

    I have followed this guide to prepare sophos.

    So sophos is installed in the virtual image (or golden-image if you will), and when we reboot the virtual machine it will revert back to its orignal golden-image state.

    After the "revert" it takes about 5 minutes before it will download and install the latest defenitions, and it will take about 1hour before the virtual machine reports back to Sophos Enterprise Console.

    So the virtual machine is protected by outdated defintions (depending on how often we update our golden-image) for 5min, is it possible to force the agent to download from the server faster than 5min (maybe trigger the update angent)?

  • Hello Tobbe_h,

    thanks, clearer now. The machines are reverted, do they keep their name?

    it takes about 5 minutes before it will download and install
    this is the expected behaviour, the default is to check 5 minutes after the start of the service (normally there are complaints that the update slows down startup so ...). AFAIK you can change this value.

    it will take about 1hour before the virtual machine reports back
    this is not as it should be. Registration should take a few minutes at most, can't say why it would take that long. The logs should give some insight, please have a look at the recent relay server setup very slow thread. And is it the same with new installs on non-VMs?


  • Good morning QC.

    Okej, then i know that its expexted to take about 5 min.


    I will take a look at this realay server thread and see if it can give me some pointers to test.


    I have to setup a new non-vm to test it out, it could be some network-related issue.


    Thank you for your reply.


