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Device Control Failed to Disable Device Nuisance error message



I know this question may have been asked several times, but I did not yet get the answer what I am looking for.

My problem is that, when I move a certain computer from policy where USB is enabled, to the policy where it disables the UBS, I get this error in the Alerts and Warnings column as soon as I right click on the computer name from the list and select update. However, when I go and check physically in that computer, I see that the policy did apply. Of course I eventually clear the error message manually.

Any thoughts of why such problem could happen?




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  • Hello Woody,

    indeed you can consider them as nuisance. You get similar errors for enable but normally the action succeeds anyway so you can simply acknowledge these alerts.
    Don't ask me what causes Device Control to report an error.


  • Hello Woody,

    indeed you can consider them as nuisance. You get similar errors for enable but normally the action succeeds anyway so you can simply acknowledge these alerts.
    Don't ask me what causes Device Control to report an error.


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