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I can't block upload files in Microsoft Edge and Firefox Quantum with Data Control Policy


is any solution to block upload file with Microsoft Edge and Firefox Quantum in SEC Data Control policy.

I can't find in the list.


Best regards,

Pálfi Huba István

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  • Hello Pálfi Huba István,

    the real solution would be that Sophos adds these two browsers as destination. There's a suggestion in the ideas forum to add Edge as destination that has currently 20 votes. It's almost two years old though so ... While the content rules are maintained and knowledgebase articles updated no destinations have been added for quite some time. I'm not sure about DLP's future.

    The only potential workaround is to block these browsers with Application Control if feasible.


  • Hello Pálfi Huba István,

    the real solution would be that Sophos adds these two browsers as destination. There's a suggestion in the ideas forum to add Edge as destination that has currently 20 votes. It's almost two years old though so ... While the content rules are maintained and knowledgebase articles updated no destinations have been added for quite some time. I'm not sure about DLP's future.

    The only potential workaround is to block these browsers with Application Control if feasible.

