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Installation on Strato server

Hello everybody,

I tried to install SAV on my Strato V servers.
1 down to land the current version of (sav-linux-free-9.tgz)
2. tar -xzvf sav-linux-free-9.tgz


Sophos Anti-Virus
Copyright (c) 1989-2016 Sophos Limited. All rights reserved.

Welcome to the Sophos Anti-Virus installer. Sophos Anti-Virus contains an on-access scanner, an on-demand command-line scanner, the Sophos Anti-Virus daemon, and the
Sophos Anti-Virus GUI.

On-access scanner Scans files as they are accessed, and grants access
to only those that are threat-free.
On-demand scanner Scans the computer, or parts of the computer,
Sophos Anti-Virus daemon Background process that provides control, logging,
and email alerting for Sophos Anti-Virus.
Sophos Anti-Virus GUI User interface accessed through a web browser.

Press <return> to display Licence. Then press <spc> to scroll forward.


Do you accept the licence? Yes(Y)/No(N) [N]
> Y

Where do you want to install Sophos Anti-Virus? [/opt/sophos-av]
> /opt/sophos-av

Installation aborted.

Why is that? Where can I see what it has failed?

Thanks for your help

The server is a Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS

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