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[Questions] regarding Linux sophos-av on cloud environment


I'm currently evaluating sophos-av linux 9 on a cloud environment.
I have few question related to automation and I hope I am on the right place to ask.
I searched the general documentation without success.

Does savupdate perform sophos engine update (for talpa ....) ?
Does savupdate requires a server reboot ?
Is there a way to bootstrap av on cloud VM's first boot (on isolated network) ?
How to create a full local mirror for savupdate ?
What is your global feeling regarding fanotify vs talpa ? I'm a bit worried about to maintain a kernel module on constantly moving servers (wild update/upgrade)

Thank you in advance for your help.

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  • Hi j b2,

    savupdate does perform engine updates
    savupdate will never require a reboot
    You could create a script to wget the installer, chmod, and run the installer
    You could host a Sophos Update Cache on one of your Windows servers to store Sophos update files locally
    Personally I prefer talpa over fanotify as there are some limitations of fanotify as seen in this KB.

  • Hi j b2,

    savupdate does perform engine updates
    savupdate will never require a reboot
    You could create a script to wget the installer, chmod, and run the installer
    You could host a Sophos Update Cache on one of your Windows servers to store Sophos update files locally
    Personally I prefer talpa over fanotify as there are some limitations of fanotify as seen in this KB.

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