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Unwanted data control detections

We implemented Data Control policy and one of the policy I added is

       Ailment, disease and diagnosis lexicon (ICD-9) [USA]

This policy seems like detecting every thing , even job application which has no data which can flag this policy.

In Sophos Site I found this article

it seems like  this policy is still broken. Any ETA when this policy will be fixed?


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  • Hello BopBop,

    the mentioned update is way in the past. I can neither say what needs to be fixed (except for the general "trigger-happy") nor when this will be. Might be Sophos is not aware that there is (still) an issue. Did a quick check and can't confirm every thing (but didn't expect really it to trigger with the documents at hand).

    Does turning on verbose logging reveal what's causing the detection? Anyway I'd engage Support directly.


  • Hello BopBop,

    the mentioned update is way in the past. I can neither say what needs to be fixed (except for the general "trigger-happy") nor when this will be. Might be Sophos is not aware that there is (still) an issue. Did a quick check and can't confirm every thing (but didn't expect really it to trigger with the documents at hand).

    Does turning on verbose logging reveal what's causing the detection? Anyway I'd engage Support directly.


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