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SAV For NetApp performance issues

Hey all I have SAV for NetApp installed on 2 Windows 2008R2 servers each pointing to one of my 2 filers. We have XenDesktop VDI users runnign windows 7 with their profiles installed on their H drives (netapp share) running here. When users log in between 8:00 and 9:30AM we have HUGE performance issues which have actually brought one of the filers to it's knees recently and caused us to disable Sophos On Access Read scanning for now. With the MMC configured to manage the SAV for NetApp connector, there is a stats tab that shows files scanned per minute. I was unable to look at that during our outage, but my average runs about 800 files per minute. Does that seem high to anyone? I realize it's CPU and Memory dependant but I'm trying to get a guage of how many files is too many. Obviously a NetApp 6210 filer is going to be able to serve more files than Sophos can scan on a detached Windows machine. Any help is appreciated.

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