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Sophos Central Live Discover "User account locked out" query missing timestamps

"User account locked out (Data Lake)" query in Live Discover is missing timestamps for the individual events in the report. How can we get the time stamps?

Knowing the event happened but not knowing when significantly hampers the investigation. 

Is there a way to pivot to the event details including time stamp? 

  • Thank you User930, but there is no additional time related field in this schema (per Sophos technical support). They advised me to go to Sophos community (here) to present the question as Sophos technical support doesn't provide support for the queries (Live Discover).
  • Thank you User930, but there is no additional time related field in this schema (per Sophos technical support). They advised me to go to Sophos community (here) to present the question as Sophos technical support doesn't provide support for the queries (Live Discover).
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