Given a time we want to list all processes that ran during the boot session.
-- This will take a few steps. First lets narrow down the time range ---------------------- -- DETERMINE THE LOWER AND UPPER TIME LIMITS FOR THE SOPHOS_PID ---------------------- WITH -- Get the system boot time for the target process This will be the lower bound below which we do not search System_boot(boot_time) AS ( SELECT MAX(meta_boot_time) FROM xdr_data WHERE query_name IN ( 'running_processes_linux_events') AND LOWER(meta_hostname) LIKE LOWER('%%$$device_name$$%') AND meta_boot_time <= $$Date_Time$$ -- System boot must have been before process start ), -- Get the next boot time or 'NOW' as a max upper bound to search Next_boot_time (max_time) AS ( SELECT CASE WHEN MIN(meta_boot_time) > 0 THEN MIN(meta_boot_time) ELSE CAST(to_unixtime(now()) AS BIGINT) END FROM xdr_data WHERE query_name IN ( 'running_processes_linux_events') AND LOWER(meta_hostname) LIKE LOWER('%%$$device_name$$%') AND meta_boot_time >= $$Date_Time$$ -- System boot must have been before process start ), -- Set the lower and upper bound as a table for easy access Time_Limits(lower_bound, upper_bound) AS ( SELECT boot_time, Next_boot_time.max_time FROM Next_boot_time LEFT JOIN System_Boot ON CAST(1 AS BOOLEAN) ), -- NOW BUILD A SINGLE TABLE WITH the Device, Time, Name, CmdLine, SophosPID, ParentSophosPID for each process (We have to flatten the groupings) All_Data AS ( SELECT X1.meta_hostname, X1.time,, rtrim(array_join(array_agg(distinct X1.cmdline||','), chr(10)),',') as cmdline, S1.Single_PID||':'||CAST(X1.time AS VARCHAR) SophosPID, -- Address PID REUSE with a sub-select to identify the correct time for the parent if multiple PIDs match the ParentPID -- T1.Single_Parent||':'||CAST( (SELECT MAX(X2.time) FROM xdr_data X2 CROSS JOIN UNNEST(SPLIT(X2.pids,',')) AS S2 (Single_PID) CROSS JOIN UNNEST(SPLIT(X2.parents,',')) AS T2 (Single_Parent), Time_Limits TL_2 WHERE X2.query_name IN ( 'running_processes_linux_events') AND LOWER(X2.meta_hostname) LIKE LOWER('%%$$device_name$$%') AND S2.Single_PID = T1.Single_Parent AND X2.time >= TL_2.lower_bound AND X2.time <= X1.time ) AS VARCHAR) Parent_SophosPID, X1.path, X1.sha256 FROM xdr_data X1 CROSS JOIN UNNEST(SPLIT(X1.pids,',')) AS S1 (Single_PID) CROSS JOIN UNNEST(SPLIT(X1.parents,',')) AS T1 (Single_Parent), Time_Limits TL_1 WHERE X1.query_name IN ( 'running_processes_linux_events') AND LOWER(X1.meta_hostname) LIKE LOWER('%%$$device_name$$%') AND X1.time >= TL_1.lower_bound AND X1.time <= TL_1.upper_bound GROUP BY X1.meta_hostname, X1.time,, X1.time, X1.path, X1.sha256, X1.pids, S1.Single_PID, X1.parents, T1.Single_Parent ) SELECT meta_hostname, date_format(from_unixtime(time), '%y-%m-%dt%h:%i:%sz') as date_time, name, cmdline, SophosPID, Parent_SophosPID, path, sha256 FROM ALL_Data ORDER BY time ASC, SophosPID ASC