I've been using the following query for some time to figure out the processes related to a network connection (getting suspicious network connection from other security products as input):
# $$startTime$$ - Date # $$endTime$$ - Date # $$uri$$ - String # $$source_or_destination_ip$$ - String SELECT datetime(shj.time,'unixepoch','localtime') AS LocalTimeStamp, datetime(shj.processStartTime,'unixepoch','localtime') AS processStartTime, * FROM sophos_http_journal shj INNER JOIN sophos_process_journal spj ON shj.sophosPID = spj.sophosPID LEFT JOIN users ON sid = uuid WHERE (source LIKE '%$$source_or_destination_ip$$%' OR destination LIKE '%$$source_or_destination_ip$$%') AND LOWER(shj.url) LIKE LOWER('%$$uri$$%') AND shj.time >= $$startTime$$ AND shj.time <= $$endTime$$
What I noticed is that some network connections are proxied by the Sophos Web Intelligence Engine: swi_fc.exe
However I would like to figure out what the original process triggering the webrequest was (is it a powershell script, chrome edge, etc). Since you loose the original process tree as well as the original Sophos PID it's pretty hard to do a proper analysis from here.
I'm happy to provide additional detail if needed.
KR, reg1nleifr