
NOTE: SQLite does not support looping, instead consider using WITH RECURSIVE.

"Looping" through list in Live Query

Good afternoon!

I am working on a query where I would like to essentially perform a "For Each Loop" on the results.

I am not sure what the SQL equivalent is.

Can someone assist me and/or direct me to the proper syntax?

Based on the following query, I would like to "grep" each of the file paths for a string.

SELECT path, directory, filename FROM file WHERE directory LIKE 'C:\users\%\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default%%' AND filename IS 'Preferences'

Example grep query to be run on each discovered file path:

SELECT line FROM grep WHERE pattern = 'test' AND path = 'C:\users\bobjoe\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Preferences'


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