Under Review

Failed to found file with XDR Query

Hi All

I have tried this query on my sophos dashboard. However, there is no result but the files with zepto extension are existing in the below mentioned folder.


SELECT filename,path,directory FROM file WHERE directory like 'D:\OKI 2 CMEIAH\MMP Wrok Document\Ifu\TECH DATA #1\5. OKI-2_PROJECT#\7. OKI-Manual (OMM)#\1. WHP\Contractual\Chip Pile by NHI\NHI - Chip Pile-epfm\SVC TECH\%%' AND filename like '%.zepto'

is there any false on my query?

Thank you



  • Hi Wahyu, Thanks for reaching out to the Sophos Community Forum.

    Could you let me know if you are running this as a Live Discover Query, or Data Lake Query? 
    I see that the following folder may be misspelled, could this be affecting the output? "MMP Wrok Document"

  • Hi Wahyu, Thanks for reaching out to the Sophos Community Forum.

    Could you let me know if you are running this as a Live Discover Query, or Data Lake Query? 
    I see that the following folder may be misspelled, could this be affecting the output? "MMP Wrok Document"
