This query will search the Data Lake for all encoded PowerShell that has been run
WITH encoded_data AS ( SELECT calendar_time, name, username, meta_hostname, sophos_pid, cmdline, parent_name, parent_sophos_pid, query_name, replace(substr(cmdline, strpos(cmdline, ' -e')+2, length(cmdline)),rtrim(substr(cmdline, strpos(cmdline, ' -e')+2, length(cmdline)),replace(substr(cmdline, strpos(cmdline, ' -e')+2, length(cmdline)),' ','')),'') Encoded_Command FROM xdr_data WHERE ( LOWER (cmdline) LIKE '% -e %' OR LOWER (cmdline) LIKE '% -en %' OR LOWER (cmdline) LIKE '% -enc %' OR LOWER (cmdline) LIKE '% -enco %' OR LOWER (cmdline) LIKE '% -encod %' OR LOWER (cmdline) LIKE '% -encode %' OR LOWER (cmdline) LIKE '% -encoded %' OR LOWER (cmdline) LIKE '% -encodedc %' OR LOWER (cmdline) LIKE '% -encodedco %' OR LOWER (cmdline) LIKE '% -encodedcom %' OR LOWER (cmdline) LIKE '% -encodedcomm %' OR LOWER (cmdline) LIKE '% -encodedcomma %' OR LOWER (cmdline) LIKE '% -encocodedcomman %' OR LOWER (cmdline) LIKE '% -encodedcommand %' OR LOWER (cmdline) LIKE '% -ec %') ) SELECT calendar_time, name, username, meta_hostname AS Hostname, Encoded_Command, REPLACE(from_utf8(from_base64(Encoded_Command)),CHR(0),'') Decoded_Data, sophos_pid, cmdline, parent_name, parent_sophos_pid, query_name --FROM encoded_data FROM encoded_data WHERE regexp_like(Encoded_Command, '^(?:[A-Za-z0-9+\/]{4})*(?:[A-Za-z0-9+\/]{4}|[A-Za-z0-9+\/]{3}=|[A-Za-z0-9+\/]{2}={2})$')